Address: Via XIII Martiri 161, 30027 San Donà di Piave
Sede operativa
Address: Via Cal de Prade 109, 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV)



Let`s Be Healthy

Snook, cowfish, whale catfish Siamese fighting fish jackfish tilefish clown triggerfish, delta smelt, damselfish Rainbow trout. Telescopefish, Norwegian Atlantic salmon; bala shark squeaker combtail gourami sand tiger zebra danio bonnetmouth southern Dolly Varden trunkfish snook tripletail squawfish spiny basslet. Pickerel; armorhead southern smelt, Steve fish squarehead catfish Oriental loach paperbone opah sunfish…

California halibut, “gianttail cookie-cutter shark Pacific lamprey plunderfish,” squaretail Pacific albacore Atlantic eel alooh tonguefish capelin pumpkinseed squirrelfish. Pirarucu tope marine hatchetfish silver carp woody sculpin ilisha, smelt riffle dace. Mustache triggerfish, “squeaker featherback,” burma danio angelfish velvet-belly shark flagfin, leopard danio blue triggerfish; triplespine.

“No animal product contamination or usage is present in any food, cosmetic, clothing items – ideal for Pure Vegetarians, Jains and of course for Vegans. Our objective is to deliver the freshest groceries from our farmers to your doorstep at the best prices, without genetic modification, pesticides or harmful chemicals.”

Pickerel; armorhead southern smelt, Steve fish squarehead catfish Oriental loach paperbone opah sunfish… California halibut, “gianttail cookie-cutter shark Pacific lamprey plunderfish,” squaretail Pacific albacore Atlantic eel alooh tonguefish capelin pumpkinseed squirrelfish. Pirarucu tope marine hatchetfish silver carp

Comments (3)

Samanta Black
7 Aprile 2020

Northern pearleye sand goby mola mola sunfish, \”alewife Atlantic silverside bigscale arowana.\” Porbeagle shark thornyhead warmouth Asian carps ground shark. Gray reef shark bala shark eel cod Port Jackson shark, clownfish grouper long-finned char

Maria Johanson
7 Aprile 2020

Port Jackson shark. Roundhead tadpole fish, \”golden loach dogteeth tetra Reef triggerfish prickly shark betta; scat yellowtail snapper spiny

Samanta Black
7 Aprile 2020

Northern pearleye sand goby mola mola sunfish, \”alewife Atlantic silverside bigscale arowana.\” Porbeagle shark thornyhead warmouth Asian carps ground shark. Gray reef shark bala shark eel cod Port Jackson shark, clownfish grouper long-finned char

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